The Bauskript Defect Manager Software for a defect-free building

Defect Manager   Defect Manager (Windows and MacOS)

Essential features of the Software and download link for Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS.

The Bauskript Defect Manager is used to record construction defects and organize their elimination. For this purpose, a defect-free building, it was equipped with versatile functionality, e.g. for locating defects in room books and construction plans, prioritization, deadline management, photo and drawing functions, mobile recording via app, synchronization and data exchange, company logo, text blocks and auto-complete, spell check, address imports and much more. The program is the ideal supplement to the Bauskript Site Journal, but also runs independently of it (standalone).

Defect Manager Software for recording construction defects and their elimination

Screenshot of the entry dialog in the Defect Manager

Localization: For clear localization, defects can be assigned to an existing room book and also positioned precisely using markers in imported construction plans. The markers not only show the location in the plan, but also the respective status of the defects and their description in text form.

Photos: Furthermore, photos can be assigned to each defect and provided with textual comments. Using the photo editor, you can also write and draw directly in the photos to show the exact position of the defect and to clearly details. In the case of photos of defects, it is often necessary to mark with an arrow exactly where the defect is and to specify with a text what exactly is being criticized.

Status and priorities: The status of a defect, for example whether a defect has been resolved or is still being worked on, or is not fully resolved or will remain, is indicated in the plans by the colors of the markers. In addition to the assigning of elimination deadlines, priorities can be set to determine which eliminations of defects are important and which ones can even be dispensed with. Elimination deadlines and grace periods, optionally also elimination orders, instructions on how to eliminate a defect, ensure clear announcements to the companies.

Localization of a defect in the plan with display of the description of the defect

Lists of defects: A compact view of the list of defects and a detailed view are offered as print functions. The compact view contains the most important data and is primarily used to check the defects during the construction site inspection, the detailed view contains all the data recorded. When printing, defects can be filtered by date, deadline, company, priority, etc., so that only defects relevant to the purpose are printed.

Synchronization: An interface to the Bauskript Site Journal enables automated import and updating of defects recorded with the construction diary and the free Bauskript App for Android and iOS. This has the advantage that defects can be recorded with the smartphone on the construction site and further processed after the import. The defect manager also works as an independent program, that means without the Bauskript Site Journal (standalone).

Autocomplete: All free text input is saved and suggested as text blocks for future input (autocomplete), resulting in a comprehensive library of editable text blocks over time.

Mobile application: The Baukkript App for Android and iOS allows you to enter data directly during the site inspection with full access to the list of companies and all input options.

Defect Manager - add photo information  Comments on photos in the Defect Manager  The finished list of defects with company assignment

Company logo: Your own logo can be positioned as a header above the list of defects. Optionally, a second logo can be added, e.g. that of the client.

Spell Checker: A powerful spell checker flags spelling mistakes as you type and suggests corrections or additions to a custom dictionary.

Address import: Company lists from other applications can be easily imported. The exchange takes place via configurable text files (CSV), so that the address data can be imported from almost any software with the appropriate interface, e.g. Excel, Outlook etc. Company lists from the Bauskript Site Journal or other Defect Manager files can also be imported into new projects.

Freeware limitations: the freeware allows unlimited management of up to 12 defects.

Bauskript's free Defect Manager Software

Defect Manager entries for recording defects in construction

The list of defects

The complete list of defects as a compact and detailed version.

Screenshot of the Defect Manager: the finished list of defects